Import, Export, Update

The Import / Export / Update tool lets you perform some batch actions in Janeway. You can import and export article metadata and files, and you can update some fields of existing articles.

The Import, Export, Update start page

The Import, Export, Update start page


With this tool, you can create new articles in Janeway and load them directly into the desired workflow stage (peer review, copyediting, typesetting, or prepublication).

  1. Download a copy of the metadata template and open it up to edit it. You can use most spreadsheet applications, but make sure you will be able to save it as a CSV with UTF-8 character encoding. [1]

  2. Enter the metadata, one article per row. See the Metadata Field Reference and the sample import for pointers. For multi-author articles, insert a new row for each author, and only fill in the author fields on extra rows.

  3. Save the file with a name of your choosing.

  4. From the journal’s dashboard, navigate to All Articles under Staff in the lower left. You need to have ‘staff’ access to view this page. (The tool also appears as Article Import, Export, Update in the Imports plugin start page.)

  5. Select Upload Update and upload your file. (It says ‘update’, but this is how you import new things too.)

  6. A table should load in your browser showing you the data, before you import it. If everything looks good, select Import.


Are you importing articles that have no authors? Leave all of these fields blank:
  • Author salutation

  • Author given name

  • Author middle name

  • Author surname

  • Author suffix

  • Author institution

  • Author department

  • Author biography

  • Author email

  • Author ORCID

  • Author is corporate (Y/N)

Other text


You can export a CSV containing metadata for all the articles currently in a given workflow stage. It will also download selected files from that stage.

  1. From the journal’s dashboard, navigate to All Articles under Staff in the lower left. You need to have ‘staff’ access to view this page.

  2. Use the Filter by Stage drop-down menu to choose a set of articles you want to export.

  3. If you want to download associated files, use the Files column to add files for each article.

  4. Select Export All or Export Filtered. A zip file should be downloaded containing the metadata in article_data.csv and the article files in subfolders numbered by article ID.


You can update metadata for batches of articles in Janeway, so you don’t have to click through each individual article to make the change.

  1. To update one field, you have to provide data for all the fields, or at least most of them, because the tool interprets empty fields literally, and will save empty fields (potentially overwriting older data). So we recommend you first export the set of articles, and use that as the basis for changes. See Exporting.


The tool will let you overwrite old data if you leave fields blank, so make sure you start any update project by running an export.

  1. Extract the zip file you exported and open the CSV in your spreadsheet software of choice (but be careful with character encoding).

  2. Edit the metadata as desired. You an rearrange the columns but the column names have to stay exactly the same. See the sample update, which shows changes made to the data in sample import. See also the Metadata Field Reference for details on each field.

  3. Save the CSV file with a name of your choosing.

  4. On the All Articles page, select Upload Update and upload your CSV file.

  5. A table should load in your browser showing you the data you uploaded, so you can look it over before importing it. If everything looks good, select Import.

Metadata Field Reference

The table below shows you what actions (i.e. import, export, update) you can perform with each field (yes/no). For example, you can’t import article IDs, because Janeway assigns them for you to make sure they’re unique. But you can (must) use article IDs during the update process, so Janeway can recognize the articles.

Much the same, while you can put something in Stage to send the content to the right part of Janeway on initial import, you can’t subsequently update the workflow stage for articles already in the system, because it might break editor or author tasks in progress.

The table also shows which fields you have to provide during imports and updates, regardless of whether you are changing those fields. For example, when you’re importing new articles, you have to provide article titles. You also have to provide article titles when you are updating articles, even if you’re not updating the titles but something else, like the keywords.






Janeway ID

controlled and assigned by Janeway

no, will break


yes, required [2]

Article title

incl. subtitle; use <em> for ital

yes, required


yes, required

Article abstract

use <em> for italics

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values


separate keywords with commas

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values


Rights statement (free text)

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values


name of licence [3]

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values


name of language or ISO code [4]

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Peer reviewed (Y/N)

Y or N

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author salutation

useful in templated emails

yes, optional


no, ignored

Author given name

a.k.a. first name

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author middle name

or middle initial

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author surname

a.k.a. last name or family name

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values [5]

Author suffix

e.g: ‘Jr.’ or ‘III’

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author email

recommended [6]

yes, optional


complicated! [7]

Author ORCID

starting with ‘https’ or the number

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author institution


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author department


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author biography


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author is primary (Y/N)

Y or N [8]

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Author is corporate (Y/N)

i.e. an organization

yes, optional


no, will make duplicates


starting with ‘10’

yes, optional


yes, optional, ignores empty values

DOI (URL form)

starting with ‘https’

no, ignored


no, ignored

Date accepted

YYYY-MM-DD (or any ISO 8601 [9])

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Date published

YYYY-MM-DD (or any ISO 8601)

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Article number

integer (arbitrary / custom)

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

First page


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Last page


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Page numbers (custom)

Custom page range such as ‘x–ix’

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Competing interests


yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Article section

e.g. ‘Article’, ‘Review’

yes, optional


yes, optional, ignores empty values


the production workflow stage [10]

yes, optional


no, ignored [11]

File import identifier

for advanced users [12]

yes, optional


yes, optional

Journal code

must match Janeway

yes, required


yes, required

Journal title override

Override for this article [13]

yes, optional


yes, optional

ISSN override

‘0000-0000’ for new journals [14]

yes, optional


yes, optional

Volume number

‘0’ if not specified

yes, optional


no, ignored

Issue number

‘0’ if not specified

yes, optional


no, ignored

Issue title

e.g. ‘Winter 2022’

yes, optional


yes, optional, saves empty values

Issue pub date

YYYY-MM-DD (or any ISO 8601) [15]

yes, optional


yes, optional


A valid URI (advanced users)

yes, optional


yes, optional

Custom Submission Fields

If your journal has any additional submission fields available, this plugin will also allow you to export and update such fields.

As a result, the CSV returned for such journals will have additional headers and content. If you are creating new articles via this plugin and you want to populate the custom additional field metadata, you will need to add the field name as a header on your spreadsheet.

The header location is irrelevant, as long as the header matches the name of the field in Janeway exactly.